First Blog Post REVISITED

I still think of Pedro Almodovar but made the manuscript a short novel with telenovela twists.


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My wedding dress was stolen…

Days after the ceremony from a bag in the back of a car.

An Egyptian lady assured me the gown would remain cursed, whoever wore it. Still, I wondered what had happened to it. A snotty young man at my household insurance company informed me that as the dress had been worn, it would have depreciated tremendously in value. Had I been merely the guest, not so much. The employee proceeded to grill me about my visit to Spain as if the theft had been arranged to bilk the company. No sentimentality, no chivalry.

After recording what had happened by filling in the insurance forms with dry details and then the gaps with my imagination, I thought of the Spanish cineaste, Pedro Almodóvar.

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BETA β Second letter of the Greek alphabet, second, after the creator, really. BETA READER Beta-ing or beta testing as terms came from computer science. It sounds rather unliterary for the "person who reads a work of fiction before it is published in order to mark errors and suggest improvements, typically without receiving payment." A…